



日期 嘉宾 嘉宾介绍
1 2021/12/24
李俊峰 国家应对气候变化战略研究和国际合作中心首任主任 碳达峰碳中和——中国发展转型的机遇和挑战
2 2021/12/31 张希良 清华大学能源环境经济研究所所长 全国碳市场的设计特点与发展展望
3 2022/2/25
张达 清华大学能源环境经济研究所副教授 可计算一般均衡能源经济模型在双碳研究中的应用
4 2022/3/10 杰弗里·萨克斯 哥伦比亚大学校级教授 全球低碳转型与气候融资方案
5 2022/3/25 汤勇军 香港大学金融学教授 碳金融市场的困惑及投资机会
6 2022/4/8 鲁玺 清华大学环境学院长聘副教授 碳中和背景下可再生能源发展的机遇和挑战
7 2022/4/22 江亿 中国工程院院士、清华大学建筑学院教授 建筑领域的绿色低碳转型
8 2022/5/13 潘家华 中国社会科学院学部委员、中国社会科学院可持续发展研究中心主任、北京工业大学生态文明研究院院长 气候金融的政治经济学悖论
9 2022/5/27 伊凡·迪亚兹瑞尼 新西兰奥塔哥大学金融学副教授、气候与能源金融研究中心主任 气候转型风险:测量挑战及在银行压力测试中的应用
2022/6/10 陈诗一 复旦大学绿色金融研究中心主任、安徽大学党委副书记兼常务副校长 碳中和与中国能源科技创新
11 2022/6/24 李金惠 清华大学环境学院长聘教授、博士生导师 固体废物管理领域碳减排评估
12 2022/7/8 比亚内·斯蒂芬 苏黎世联邦理工大学气候金融与政策学助理教授 融资对可再生能源广泛应用的重要性
2022/8/19 殷红 中国工商银行现代金融研究院副院长 碳中和背景下金融机构环境信息披露
14 2022/9/6 孙强 TPG集团中国区董事长 义利并举——ESG的投资实践
15 2022/9/23 尼克·罗宾斯



2022/11/11 陆书泽 亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB)副行长兼秘书长 亚投行的气候承诺:为未来的绿色基础设施融资
17 2022/11/25 亨尼·阿舍
18 2022/12/8 程功 国际清算银行高级经济顾问 构建净零碳排放的主权债券投资
19 2022/12/23 安东尼·戈丁 法国开发署(AFD)高级经济学家 生物多样性相关金融风险的情景分析
20 2023/1/6 董善宁 江苏银行绿色金融部副总经理兼公司业务部副总经理 生物多样性金融创新实践
21 2023/3/6 柴麒敏 国家气候战略中心战略规划部主任 我国“双碳“战略实施与气候投融资的政策展望
22 2023/3/17 施新政 清华大学经济管理学院副教授 中国两项环保政策评估
23 2023/3/24 罗勇 清华大学理学院副院长、地球系统科学系主任 全球气候变化影响研究进展
24 2023/4/7 邹咏辰 美国俄勒冈大学经济系助理教授 数字平台的微捐赠
25 2023/4/28 菲利普·克鲁格 瑞士日内瓦大学金融学教授 从研究视角看可持续金融
26 2023/5/12 萨克瑞斯·索特内尔 德国法兰克福金融管理学院金融学教授 机构投资者与应对气候变化举措
27 2023/5/19 刘萌 联合国全球契约组织亚太区总代表 企业如何善用ESG助力实现中国式现代化和全球可持续发展
28 2023/5/26 格里戈瑞·沃尔科夫 德国法兰克福金融管理学院金融学教授 气候风险测量、预期收益和投资组合影响
29 2023/6/16 马尔森·卡佩赛尔 英国帝国理工大学金融学教授 技术进步与气候危机
30 2023/6/30 贾德森·伯基 瑞银集团(UBS)首席可持续发展办公室董事总经理 可持续发展与可持续金融:政策与法规成就市场
31 2023/8/18 大卫·海姆斯 苏黎世大学经济学副教授 气候变化与绿色创新政策
32 2023/9/1 茹弘 新加坡南洋理工大学副教授 碳交易与政策
33 2023/9/8 阿米纳斯·扎都卡斯 香港科技大学金融学副教授 ESG对全球供应链的影响
34 2023/9/15 李凯 北京大学汇丰商学院金融学副教授 气候创新与碳排放:来自供应链网络的证据
35 2023/10/13 亚历克斯·爱德蒙斯 英国伦敦商学院金融学教授 为社会创造价值的商业力量
36 2023/10/27 黄俊灵 中国长江三峡集团国际清洁能源研究室主任、清华大学-三峡集团气候与低碳联合研究中心副主任 能源电力集团如何促进经济社会绿色低碳转型
37 2023/11/10 王晓书
MSCI ESG与气候研究部亚太区主管

MSCI ESG与气候研究部大中华区负责人


38 2023/11/24 江文熙 香港中文大学金融系副教授 气候意识和实际影响
39 2023/12/15 王乃祥 北京绿色交易所有限公司董事长 建设自愿减排市场 服务双碳目标实现
40 2023/12/22 欧阳明高 中国工程院院士、清华大学教授 待定

Nowadays, sustainable development and climate change are the mainstream of world development, in which green finance plays an irreplaceable role. There have been hot debates and discussions in China and worldwide on questions such as how to balance the relationship between environmental protection, mitigation of climate change and economic development, how to effectively combine market and government efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, and is there a most efficient pathway of low-carbon transition. Against this background, we launched the "Tsinghua PBCSF Green Finance Lectures" which are hosted by Tsinghua University PBC School of Finance (PBCSF) and organized by the Center for Green Finance Research (CGFR) of Tsinghua PBCSF, with the aim to explore the future development of green finance and carbon neutrality targets. We invite domestic and international leading experts from academia, industry, and government to lecture on cutting-edge issues such as Carbon Neutrality, green finance, ESG, and climate risk, for faculty members, students at Tsinghua, and audiences beyond Tsinghua’s community. This lecture series is held online bi-weekly and live broadcasted on all platforms of Tsinghua PBCSF. We have successfully organized 38 lectures with over 1.5 million views.

Date Speaker Title Topic
1 2021/12/24 LI Junfeng Former Director of the National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC) Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality: Opportunities and Challenges for China's Transformation of Development
2 2021/12/31 ZHANG Xiliang Director of the Division of Energy System Analysis, Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology (INET) at Tsinghua University Design Features and Development Prospect of the National Carbon Market
3 2022/2/25 ZHANG Da Associate Professor of Institute of Economics, Energy and Environment at Tsinghua University Computable General Equilibrium Energy-economic Model in the Application of Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Research
4 2022/3/10 Jeffrey D. Sachs University Professor and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University Low Carbon Transition Strategy and Global Climate Financing
5 2022/3/25 TANG Yongjun Professor of Finance at the University of Hong Kong Confusion and Investment Opportunities in Carbon Financial Markets
6 2022/4/8 LU Xi Tenured Associate Professor and Ph.D. advisor of the School of Environment at Tsinghua University Opportunities and Challenges for Renewable Energy Development in the Context of Carbon Neutrality
7 2022/4/22 JIANG Yi Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Professor of the School of Architecture at Tsinghua University Green and Low-carbon Transformation in the Field of Architecture
8 2022/5/13 PAN Jiahua Academician of the Chinese Academy of Social Science The Political Economy Paradox of Climate Finance
9 2022/5/27 Ivan Diaz-Rainey Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Otago, Director of Climate & Energy Finance Group (CEFGroup) Climate transition risk: Measurement challenges and application in bank stress testing
10 2022/6/10 CHEN Shiyi Director of Green Finance Research Center of Fudan University and Doctoral Supervisor, Deputy Party Secretary, and Executive Vice President of Anhui University Carbon neutrality and energy technology innovation in China
11 2022/6/24 LI Jinhui the Professor of the School of Environment at Tsinghua University Assessment of carbon reduction in solid waste management
12 2022/7/8 Bjarne Steffen the Assistant Professor of Climate Finance and Policy and head of CFP Why Finance Matters for Renewable Energy Deployment
13 2022/8/19 YIN Hong Vice President of Modern Finance Research Institute of ICBC Environmental information Disclosure of financial institutions in the context of carbon neutrality
14 2022/9/6 SUN Qiang Chairman of TPG China The practice of ESG Investment
15 2022/9/23 Nick Robins,
Ulrich Volz
Professor of Practice for Sustainable Finance at Grantham Research Institute of LSE,
Professor of Economics at SOAS University of London and Founding Director of the SOAS Centre for Sustainable Finance
Sustainable Central Banking at a Crossroads: System Risks, Net-zero and Nature
16 2022/11/11 Ludger Schuknecht Vice President and Corporate Secretary of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank AIIB’s Climate Commitment: Financing Green Infrastructure for Tomorrow
17 2022/11/25 Henner Asche,
Frank Packer,
Robert Patalano,
Cheng Gong
Deputy Director General Markets at the Deutsche Bundesbank,
Regional Adviser at the BIS Representative Office for Asia and the Pacific,
Deputy head of division at the OECD's Committee on Financial Markets (CMF),
Senior economist at the Bank for International Settlements
Enhancing Market Transparency in Green and Transition Finance
18 2022/12/8 CHENG Gong Senior economist at the Bank for International Settlements Building Sovereign Bond Investment with Net Zero Carbon Emission
19 2022/12/23 Antoine Godin the Economist Modeler of Agence Francaise Development (AFD) Global Biodiversity Scenarios: What Do They Tell Us for Biodiversity-Related Financial Risks?
20 2023/1/6 DONG Shanning Deputy General Manager of the Green Finance Department and Corporate Business Department of the Bank of Jiangsu Financial Innovation Practice in Biodiversity
21 2023/3/6 CHAI Qimin Director of the National Center for Climate Strategy and International Cooperation The Policy Outlook of "Dual Carbon" Strategy Implementation and Climate Finance
22 2023/3/17 SHI Xinzheng Professor of Economics at the Tsinghua University Evaluations of Two Environmental Policy in China
23 2023/3/24 LUO Yong Professor and Deputy Director of the Department of Earth System Science at Tsinghua University Advances in Research on Global Climate Change Impacts
24 2023/4/7 ZOU Yongchen Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Oregon Microgiving with Digital Platforms
25 2023/4/28 Philipp Krueger Professor of Finance at the University of Geneva Research Perspectives on Sustainable Finance
26 2023/5/12 Zacharias Sautner Professor of Finance at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management Institutional Investors and the Fight against Climate Change
27 2023/5/19 LIU Meng Asia and Pacific Chief Representative of UN Global Compact How can enterprises make good use of ESG to help achieve Chinese-style modernization and global sustainable development
28 2023/5/26 Grigory Vilkov Professor of Finance at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management Climate Risk Measurement, Expected Returns, and Portfolio Implications
29 2023/6/16 Marcin Kacperczyl Professor of Finance at Imperial College London Technical Progress and the Climate Crisis
30 2023/6/30 Judson Berkey Managing Director in the Chief Sustainability Office at UBS Sustainability and Sustainable Finance: Policy and Regulation Shaping Markets
31 2023/8/18 David Hémous Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Zurich Climate Change and Green Innovation Policies
32 2023/9/1 RU Hong Associate Professor within the Banking & Finance division of Nanyang Business School at NTU Carbon Trading and Policies
33 2023/9/8 Alminas Žaldokas Associate Professor of Finance at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) ESG Shocks in Global Supply Chains
34 2023/9/15 LI Kai Associate Professor of Finance at Peking University HSBC Business School (PHBS) Climate Innovation and Carbon Emissions: Evidence from Supply Chain Networks
35 2023/10/13 Alex Edamns Professor of Finance at London Business School The Power of Purposeful Business
36 2023/10/27 HUANG Junling Deputy Director of Tsinghua-CTG Joint Center for Climate Governance and Low-carbon Transformation The Contribution of Energy and Power Group to Economy and Society for Green and Low-carbon Transformation
37 2023/11/10 WANG Xiaoshu
GUO Siping
Head of APAC ESG & Climate Research, MSCIHead of Greater China ESG & Climate Research, MSCI
Climate Investment Trends in Global Capital Markets
38 2023/11/24 JIANG Wenxi Associate Professor of Finance at CUHK Business School Climate Awareness and the Real Effect
39 2023/12/15 WANG Naixiang President of China Beijing Green Exchange Building the Voluntary Emission Reduction Market to Serve the Realization of Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Goals
40 2023/12/22 OUYANG Minggao Academician with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Professor at Tsinghua University --





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